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ERSA 2004, Porto


 Main Theme – “Regions and Fiscal Federalism”

The creation of a single market and the adoption of a common currency significantly changed the framework of regional development policy implementation in the European Union. Besides losing some powers to higher levels of a stronger "European Administration", national governments are bound to further decentralise, for efficiency reasons, to regional and local levels of government. These changes represent an opportunity to increase the relative importance of local and regional development policies but raise budgetary constraint problems. The difficult task of assuring the efficiency of the whole system while promoting equity among regions brings fiscal federalism and its connection with regional development to the front page of Regional Science agenda.

A list of Parallel Sessions themes have been selected:
A. Location of economic activities
B. Land use, real estate and housing markets
C. Urban and regional planning
D. Transport and communication
E. Public capital and regional development
F. Labour markets and population mobility
G. Regional economic growth
H. Entrepreneurship, networks and innovation
I. Producer services
J. Globalisation and regional competitiveness
K. Local embedness of multinational activities
L. European Union, European integration and cross-border development
M. Fiscal Federalism/Institutions and Governance
N. Rural and local development. Natural resources, environment and tourism
O. Quantitative methods in regional science
P. Regional science methodology
Q. Geographical systems
R. Young scientist sessions