
Produção e Industrialização do Café nos Principais Estados Produtores Brasileiros: Relações entre os Setores Produtivos e a Economia Nacional
Tema/Theme: Ruralidades e Território/
Ruralities and territory
Autor/Author: Flávia Maria de Mello Bliska ; Joaquim J. M. Guilhoto ; Sérgio P. Pereira ; Gerson S. Giomo

Brazil is the largest coffee producer and coffee exporter in the world, and the second largest coffee consumer. Due to the importance of the coffee sector for the rural livelihoods and food industry, the main project objective was to analyze the behavior and the significance of the coffee grain production and coffee processing industries for each Brazilian coffee producer state and for national economy, via construction and use of seven regions interregional input-output table (Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Espírito Santo, Paraná, Bahia, Rondônia and Other States), with 280 sectors (40 sectors in each region). We estimated and analyzed: 1) production multipliers type I and type II for the interregional system and for each region; 2) employment multipliers for the system and for each region; 3) Rasmussen-Hirschman backward and forward linkage indices for the system and for each region; and 4) pure inter-industrial backward, forward and total linkage indices for each region.